Dimitar Dimitrov | photo github linkedin gmail mitko.vtori@gmail.com


I'm python student at the Software University (SoftUni). Finished Object-oriented programming and currently learning Web Development.

Python Web Repo
Python Advanced/OOP Repo
Python Fundamentals Repo

I have learned basic/mid html and css with a lot of practice, questions on the internet, research and learned a little bit more from Software University (SoftUni)'s mini course

HTML & CSS Mini course Repo
This page's Repo
Mitko.Vtori-World Repo (old project)

I have self learned how to use Git(not using often), TortoiseGit(Personal favorite), GitHub Desktop and GitHub. With experience from a lot of projects that contain pulling, pushing, merging, managing, committing, code reviewing, fixing, issues, discussions, statistics, others, I learned how to use GitHub and it's all features 100% freely. Also watched a lot of tutorials, tried a lot of functionalities and more.



Licenses and Certificates

  Python Object-oriented programming
     - Issue date: 10/04/2023

  Python Advanced
     - Issue date: 21/02/2023

  Programming Fundamentals with Python
     - Issue date: 06/12/2022


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